April 27, 2024
The 4th Week of Easter
Hearing the Word
…almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.
Acts 13:44

The first reading today specifically states: “Almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.” Almost everybody was there, but some were missing. We might wonder why they didn’t go. Maybe illness or something that couldn’t be rescheduled. Or maybe fear of what the Word of the Lord would do for them or demand of them. As believers, we gather with family and friends daily or weekly to hear the Word of the Lord at Mass. But even that is not enough. Reading the Word of God, meditating and living it are daily tasks. What is our frequency in opening the Bible and hearing God’s voice? If it isn’t daily or often, what might change to better prioritize it?  When would be a good time to read Scripture? Can I read and reflect on it with my household, co-workers or friends?

Hearing the Word and responding to it will do the same thing it did for those early disciples—our souls will be filled with joy.

- Fr. Edward Looney

Acts 13:44-52 • Psalm 98:1-4 • John 14:7-14


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