
My Daily Eucharist - Reflection for February 11, 2025

The crypt of the new church was blessed for divine service on May 21st, 1866. Thousands of pilgrims thronged to the solemnity. "No sooner did anyone arrive in the town than he found himself already in an atmosphere of rejoicing. Triumphal arches spanned the main streets; the houses disappeared beneath masses of garlands and trophies, on every side the eye encountered inscriptions in honour of Mary."

The cortege formed in the parish church, and an endless procession wound its way to the Grotto, to the accompaniment of choirs posted at intervals along the route. The Bishop appeared on the heights preceded by the Canons. An immense crowd followed him and surrounded the Grotto on all sides, covered the rocks above, and filled every inch of space available.

Pontifical High Mass was sung at an altar facing the statue of the Grotto. At the elevation the silence of the multitude was impressive; it was the supreme moment of a supreme solemnity, a moment comparable to that of the Apparitions. The Son of Mary came down to the spot that His Mother's feet had trod; He came at her bidding. It was for Him that the Virgin had desired a sanctuary. He was about to take possession of it and make it His dwelling-place; and in doing so He bore eternal witness to His Mother's prerogative. Jesus Christ, Himself a pilgrim like themselves for that day, descended for the first time in their midst, in order to honour His most Holy Mother and give the Grotto His divine consecration. In the depths of the Holy Mysteries the Pontiff affixed the seal of the Precious Blood to the work of Mary. The people were silent and adoring; soon the moment was to come for them to render more explicit homage.

Bernadette of Lourdes
J. H. Gregory


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